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Cremation Rates Reach Highest Recorded Level in Australia in 2023

Flowers at funeral

Cremation has become an increasingly popular option around the globe when it comes to end of life care, with the height of its recorded levels being reached in Australia in 2023. This can be attributed to many different reasons, most notably its cost effectiveness, flexibility of choice and even its eco-friendly benefits.

Cremation popularity on the rise?

According to The Cremation Society, a British organisation which gathers data from as many crematoriums and sources around the world, Australia’s cremation rate along with most other countries has seen an increase in the preference of cremation over traditional burials. In the year 1996, Australia had a cremation rate of 54 percent which has steadily increased to 69 percent in 2021. This has projected to further increase to a record breaking 73 percent in 2023. This rise in cremation rates is thought to be due to an increase in the cost of living crisis that has affected economies on a global scale.

Cremations becoming the favoured choice?

One of the main reasons cremation is becoming the favoured choice for most Australians is due to its economical advantages. The average cost of a burial in Australia is about 8,048 AUD while the average for a cremation is less than half the price at 3,108 dollars. While these averages will change depending on states, territories, crematoriums and funeral homes, it is clear to see that cremation will most likely always be the more affordable option. With the cost of living crisis, many Australians are choosing cremations over burials for the simple fact that traditional burials are just too expensive.

Another reason cremations are becoming the favoured choice is due to their versatility. When it comes to honouring the memory of a loved one, traditional burials are quite inflexible as all one is really left with is a gravestone. Cremations and the ashes they produce give many options to someone suffering with grief. Ashes can be stored inside a burial urn that can be kept in a home providing ease of access for remembrance. Urns can be customised in many different ways such as with engraving to provide families a more personal touch. Urns come in so many different styles and designs that it is hard not to find a perfect option. Ashes are also able to be placed into cremation jewellery, allowing one to keep their loved ones ashes with them at all times. Cremation jewellery is jewellery that’s designed to hold a small portion of ashes but maintain an unassuming yet beautiful look. Ashes can even be scattered at the deceased person’s favourite place in life, which can be an incredibly touching ceremony for those who loved them. Scattering tubes allow one to ergonomically and honourably disperse their loved ones ashes in a safe and respectful manner. 

Many people are worried about climate change, leading to new thinking on how one can reduce their own carbon footprint. This is another contributed factor as to why there is a rise in cremations over burials. Cremations are a much greener and eco-friendly way to provide end of life care especially when compared to a traditional burials. This is due to the fact that traditional burials occupy a lot of valuable land space indefinitely, space that could otherwise be used for different purposes. Cremation also uses less natural resources than burials and produces far less greenhouse emissions. It’s no wonder to see that as Australians are moving to a more greener future that cremation is the way to go.

Cremation popularity is here to stay in Australia and is only predicted to increase in the coming years. Due to its affordability, versatility and overall eco-friendliness, cremation is becoming the number one choice for Australians for end of life care.

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